Costa Rican Coffee, a tradition good enough to slurp
Explore Finca Rosa Blanca's coffee from our partner's neighboring organic Costa Rica coffee farm, on one of the top coffee tours in Costa Rica. The Cafe Rosa Blanca coffee won five awards, including "Best Coffee in Central America" in the World Coffee Challenge in 2023. Beginning with a farm
walk, led by our expert guide, the tour wends through shaded fields and
forests, and is home to over 143 bird species, including Parrots, Toucans, Aracaris, Motmots and Oropendolas. You'll take a lesson in coffee
cupping before ending the tour, and then, at our restaurant, savoring your favorite preparation of Café Rosa Blanca.
Awarded Five First Place Awards in the World Coffee Challenge, 2023
Under strict regulations of certified organic farming, the germination, cultivation of seedlings and mature plants, harvesting, classification, fermentation, drying, and finally, roasting and packaging of our coffee is carried out 100% on site. At Rosa Blanca we control and manage every step of the process. Because our coffee never leaves our hands, we guarantee the best quality is always delivered to you.

High in the mountains of Costa Rica, on the slopes of Poás Volcano
and Barva Volcano, Finca Rosa Blanca connects to 30 acres of rich soil
and shade-grown, high-altitude organic coffee: Arabica varietals including Caturra and Obatá, with some guest appearances from Catuaí, Catimor and the now world-famous Gesha (aka Geisha) coffee.
For nearly 200 years, coffee has stood as both source and symbol of Costa Rican prosperity: The crop that built a nation – and, famously, our spectacular Neo-Baroque, Parisian-designed National Theater (Teatro Nacional) – coffee today represents our heritage, culture, and culinary tradition.

Sustainable Practices: Finca Rosa Blanca Organic Coffee
Here at Finca Rosa Blanca, we believe that organic agriculture is about more than the avoidance of pesticides and petrochemicals: Our Costa Rica organic coffee farm and the adjacent Cafe Rosa Blanca coffee farm is dedicated to sustainable practices, organic agriculture, and honoring three centuries of Costa Rican coffee heritage. Finca Rosa Blanca and Cafe Rosa Blanca are both certified organic coffee farms: eliminating agrochemicals, pesticides, herbicides or fungicides.
Instead, we employ effective, natural methods to help the organic coffee flourish. With the help of local school children and the Costa Rican environmental protection agency (MINAE), we have planted 5,000+ indigenous trees throughout the organic coffee farms near San José. These trees produce both beneficial shade and nitrogen for our organic Costa Rican coffee, while simultaneously establishing biological corridors for our birds and other native wildlife.
Finca Rosa Blanca’s and Cafe Rosa Blanca's organic coffee is planted following the natural topography of our farm, to avoid erosion and water waste; our coffee fields are also protected by living fences planted from native shrubs and trees. We apply rich compost, harvested from our vermiculture (worm beds) and the hotel’s organic and kitchen refuse. To combat the fungi and pests that often plague coffee, we use only natural remedies.
Finca Rosa Blanca's and Cafe Rosa Blanca's organic coffee is certified organic by Kiwa BCS, an international organic agriculture certification and is certified sustainable by Rainforest Alliance and ICAFE, the Costa Rica National Institute for Coffee.

Coffee Cupping Tour at Cafe Rosa Blanca's Coffee Farm
Become an expert on organic Costa Rican coffee and coffee cupping – the fine (but not dainty) art of coffee slurping – while touring the Cafe Rosa Blanca coffee farm.
Learn the mysteries of our famous bean and immerse your senses in the scents, textures and tastes of Costa Rica’s greatest crop: the grano de oro, or grain of gold – once an economic foothold, forever Costa Rica’s cultural heritage. Not to mention, our favorite beverage!
"Global Coffee Culture" - A tour through a few of the places where coffee is sacred.
"'What do you smell?" my guide asks. Eyes closed, I draw the warm air rising from the cup up into my nose. I immediately recognize two aromas—dirt and chocolate—but hesitate to reply. It's my first "coffee cupping," a guided introduction to the professional techniques used to identify aromas and flavors of coffee. I'm uncertain of the correct answer and assume that describing Finca Rosa Blanca's coffee as "dirt" isn't putting my best foot (or rather, nose) forward.'"... by Sunny Fitzgerald, Delta Sky Magazine, November, 2019
Don’t forget to pair your organic coffee tour with our once-in-a-lifetime Coffee Connoisseur’s Tasting Menu, featuring five (or more) courses that honor our golden bean and offer the perfect pairing to one of the best coffee tours in Costa Rica.