World Coffee Challenge Awards Café Rosa Blanca First and Third Place

Coffee is integral to the Finca Rosa Blanca experience. And we’re so honored to share that the World Coffee Challenge has recognized our efforts and our achievements.
For over 30 years, we have reforested a once-muddy motocross field into a thriving, organic coffee farm. And for nearly two decades, we have harvested, roasted, and served Café Rosa Blanca, our shade-grown, high-altitude, organic coffee: Arabica varietals including Caturra and Obatá, with some guest appearances from Catuaí, Catimor and the now world-famous Gesha (aka Geisha) coffee.
And now, Finca Rosa Blanca joins Café Rosa Blanca’s celebration: The World Coffee Challenge has awarded Café Rosa Blanca the top place for Organic Coffee and third place for the Arabica Natural category – both, high accolades, considering the delicious company we keep!

We are also delighted to make this year’s list of Costa Rica birding hotspots (Spanish), which highlight seven spots where Costa Rican birding meets Costa Rican coffee. As avid birdwatchers and coffee aficionados, we love this synthesis of authentic Costa Rican experiences!
Finca Rosa Blanca took the spot for Central Valley Coffee Region – Middle and Highland Avi-Fauna Zone. Among other details, Costa Rica Birding noted our sustainable, organic coffee and traditional Costa Rican gastronomy, paired with our shaded coffee farm and forests: a biological corridor and highland home to everything from the Costa Rican pygmy owl, elegant euphonia, and barred hawk to the fiery-billed aracari, keel-billed toucan, and painted bunting – an impressive 130+ of Costa Rica’s 924+ bird species.
We hope you’ll join us soon for both organic coffee and cupping and a birdwatching tour.